Chairman Arcelor Mittal, Luxembourg & Chairman IBCL Strategic Advisory Board.
Mr. Michel Wurth

Chairman Arcelor Mittal, Luxembourg &
Chairman IBCL Strategic Advisory Board.
Michel Wurth, 66, has made his career within ArcelorMittal and before in some of its constituent companies. Before joining the Board of Directors in May 2014, he was member of the Group Management Board of ArcelorMittal, responsible for Long Carbon Steel Worldwide. Between 2006 and 2011, he was in charge, within ArcelorMittal, of Flat Carbon Europe, Automotive, global R&D and Industeel.
The merger of Aceralia, Arbed and Usinor leading to the creation of Arcelor in 2002, led to Michel Wurth’s appointment as Senior Executive Vice President and CFO up to January 1st, 2006, when he became deputy CEO with responsibilities for Flat Carbon Steel and R&D.
Michel Wurth joined Arbed in 1979 and held various functions including Corporate Secretary, member of the Group Management Board from 1996 and CFO.
Furthermore, Michel Wurth serves as non-executive Chairman or Director in different companies in Luxembourg and Germany.
He is a member of the Board of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg, and Vice-Chairman of the Luxembourg Red Cross.
Michel Wurth holds a law degree from the University of Grenoble, a degree in Political Science from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Grenoble and a MSC in Economics from the London School of Economics and is Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, Sacred Heart University. He has been lecturer in Economics at the Université de Luxembourg, from 1982 to 1995.
He is married and has three children.

Mrs. Virginie Michielsen
Senior Business Developer at FEDIL, Luxembourg
Mrs. Virginie Michielsen

Senior Business Developer at FEDIL,
Virginie Michielsen is a Belgian national and studied Applied Economics, specialisation in Financial and General Management, cum laude, in Antwerp. She has a post university degree in European History, Politics and Law from the I.H.E.E. (Institut des Hautes Etudes Européennes) in Strasbourg (F).
In September 2018, Virginie Michielsen joined FEDIL as senior business developer and. took the responsibility to enlarge the membership base and to strengthen the relationship with the members. As an independent consultant she also has several projects using her strong organisational, communication and banking background. Since 2016 she is in charge of the follow up of the daily management and marketing of the family owned olive farm in Tuscany.
From 2013 to 2018 Virginie Michielsen was heading the Marketing and Communication department at Deloitte Luxembourg and previously she was Head of Corporate Communication & Relations within ING Belgium.
In 1986 she started at BBL (Bank Brussels Lambert) where she had various functions in the corporate Banking department (SMEs and Corporates), the Trade and Commodities finance and the non-resident department. In 2001 she joined the Financial Institutions department as business manager of the Global Head FI to integrate the international business of BBL, BHF and ING. From 2007 to 2011 she was heading the Global Trade Banking Department in Amsterdam.
Virginie is strongly involved in business and other networking associations. In January 2008 she joined the BICCI (Belgian Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) as Director and Vice-President. She is member of the Advisory Board of IBCL (Indian Business Chamber Luxembourg) and vice president of URB-BKV (Union Royale Belge), responsible for the Belgian Business Club in Luxembourg. Since 2016 she is part of the Female Board Pool headed by Rita Knott and in 2018 she joined Women in Business, an initiative launched by Marie-Jeanne Chevremont. She is founding member and past president of Rotary Antwerpen Amerloo. She teaches as a volunteer in a pre-school in Senegal.

Mr. Christian Ginter
Conseiller au Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures, département des Travaux publics, Luxembourg
Mr. Christian Ginter

Conseiller au Ministère du
Développement durable et des
Infrastructures, département des
Travaux publics, Luxembourg
Former president of the National Committee for road safety.
from – 2020 Political adviser at the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
2016 – 2020 Political adviser at the Ministry for Mobility and Public Works
2012 – 2016 Deputy director for Investment promotion at the Ministry of the Economy
2010 – 2012 Secretary general of a parliament group in Luxembourg
2005 – 2009 Director of the department for roads and road safety at the Ministry for Transports
2004 – 2005 Political Adviser for a political party at the European Parliament
2000 – 2003 Scientific assistant to Prof. Dr. Mayer-Tasch for Political sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich.
• 2003-2004 College of Europe, MA in European Political and Administrative Studies
• 2002-2003 Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich, MA in Economics and Political Sciences
• 1999-2002 Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich, Bachelor in Economics and Political Sciences
• 1991-1999 Secondary school at Lycée de Garçons d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Mother tongue Luxemburgish
English : Bilingual
German : Bilingual
French: Bilingual
Spanish : Basic User
Running, Books, Snowboard, Surf

Country Head, Tata Consultancy Services, Luxembourg
Mr. Paul Arbab

Country Head, Tata Consultancy Services,

Partner, Ernst & Young SA, Luxembourg
Mr. Yves Even

Partner, Ernst & Young SA, Luxembourg
Yves Even joined Arthur Andersen in Luxembourg in 1997, which merged with Ernst & Young in 2002. Yves is a qualified chartered accountant in Luxembourgand member of the Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises (IRE) including thecommission “public sector”, as well as member of Chartered Accountants Association (OEC). Further he is member of the Strategic Advisory Board of the IBCL anda member of the “Fédération des Jeunes Dirigeants” (FjD) in Luxembourg. He concluded his university with a degree in economics obtained atthe University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (France). As Luxembourgish native healso speaks fluently German, English and French.
Yves Even is the president of the board of EY Luxembourg. Further he is part of the management of EY Lux and the responsible Market Partner and leading the Commercial & Public Sector, including Entrepreneurship / Family Business offering, the Entrepreneur of the Year event in Luxembourg, service offering to Non for Profit organizations, offering within the Public Sector including Public Performance Audits, Public Policy Evaluation.
As “réviseur d’entreprises agrees”, the audits performed under his responsibility include statutory and consolidated financial statements of national and international groups of different sizes, quoted and non-quoted, prepared under local GAAP and IFRS, all active in different commercial industries and sectors. He has an extensive experience within a large number of non-audit assurance work as for example IPO, Mergers and acquisitions, contribution in kinds.

Director, International Affairs, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
Mrs. Cindy Tereba

Director, International Affairs,
Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
Cindy Tereba was born in 1979 in Luxembourg. She left her home country in 1998 to pursue her studies in fine arts and literature in London, Düsseldorf and Paris and subsequently pursued an international career.
She started her professional path off at the Institut Français in Düsseldorf before she ventured into the business world, working for a German ecommerce startup. In 2008 she left Europe to live and work in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Here she became the Business Development Services Manager of the GermanEmirati Chamber of Commerce supporting German countries to enter the GCC countries (except Saudi-Arabia and Yemen). Four years later she moved to Berlin where she first worked for the Luxembourgish economy, setting up the first foreign office of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce abroad and founding the Business Club Luxembourg, a business network of 80 Luxembourgish and German companies.
Only recently she returned to Luxembourg to take up the post of Director International Affairs at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

Deputy Adviser & Regional Manager, European Investment Bank
Mrs. Sunita Lukkhoo

Deputy Adviser & Regional Manager,
European Investment Bank
Sunita Lukkhoo is currently Principal Advisor and Global Relationship Manager responsible for public lending in Croatia at the European Investment Bank (EU’s financing institution).
She was responsible for lending operations in South Asia & Pacific at the EIB for 17 years. She is in charge of originating, structuring and executing financial transactions in all the sectors (energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate change mitigation and adaptation, water, manufacturing, FDI etc.) with both corporate and financial institutions.
She leads in-house teams of engineers, economists and lawyers for project due diligence and transaction execution, loan negotiation, monitoring of the projects post-signature. Sunita started her career as an accountant with the European Investment Fund (part of the EIB Group).She has worked for the European Investment Fund for 6 years.
Since 2003, Sunita has been with the EIB. As such, Sunita has over 20 years of experience within the EIB Group. She has a Bachelor in Business Administration from Oxford Brookes University. She is an ACCA qualified Accountant.