Open Hours: Mon – Fri 08:30 to 12:00 hrs

Sponsor a cause

IBCL - Sponsor a Cause

IBCL welcomes any suggestion to sponsor any social or economic cause aimed at improving or strengthening the relationship between the EU and India or to protect the climate. Any contribution for the cause could be made by making a direct contribution to the following bank account:

Bank: BGL BNP Paribas
A/C No.: LU03 0030 6733 4505 0000

In the narration, please mention the nature of the cause you intend to support.

Also, please write to giving all your details and also to inform the cause for which the contribution has been made. All such contributions shall be made in an unconditional manner, trusting the executive management of IBCL. IBCL shall periodically post updates on the progress being made with respect to the cause.

Please note any contribution so made cannot be claimed back, unless the transfer has been made in violation of the law of Luxembourg. No individual or personalized updates shall be provided to any sponsor or donor.

45 Route d’ Arlon, L-8009 Strassen.

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri 08:30 to 12:00 hrs

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